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The Advantages to Working from Home

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Working from home comes with many benefits. It not only saves costs but allows much greater flexibility as compared to traditional work. Some modern work from home jobs, such as the popular home shoring, involves working for another company from home. A home shoring job that involves working for a call center from the comfort of your home is still a lot more convenient and flexible than working from a conventional workplace. Typical work shifts in this work model are thirty minutes or less. But this is just one benefit of working from home. Let’s have a look at the advantages of working from home.

1. You can Choose a Job of your Choice

When working from home, it is easy to do a job that you love, such as hobby, and turn it into a money-minting venture. There are many hobbies that can easily earn a person some money. Some of these include baking homemade cookies, writing, painting and many more. Doing something you really love not only leads to higher productivity but is a lot less stressful than doing something just for the sake of earning an income.

2. Higher Flexibility in your Time

Working from home means you are your own boss. This obviously comes with many benefits. You not only get to set your own deadlines and work schedules but you also get time to do other tasks around the house. You get to choose the time to work which is great for people who prefer working at odd hours.

3. You Have more Time for Family

Working from home means you get to be with family members anytime you want. This enhances your relationship with them. You have time to attend your children’s school events and it’s much easier for you to take up extra learning courses while still working.

4. You have Better Control over your Income

Working from home lets you work for longer or shorter hours as you wish. This gives you better control over your income. Most work from home jobs and businesses require minimal budgets to run and this means that you save more and consequently earn more. Working from home also lets you work at a business that you can grow and you are likely to be more motivated.

5. Experience Less Stress

Most work-from-home jobs are a lot less stressful than traditional jobs. This is because a lot of the stress found in workplaces is closely related to deadline pressures and demanding bosses. Working from home means that you are your own boss and can control what jobs to take which often means that you experience much less stress.

6. No More Commuting

A lot of time is spent commuting to and from the workplace. This gives you more time for work. A Cisco study done in 2009 revealed that 2000 of their employees who worked from home saved a staggering $5,000 each from foregone commuting expenses. Travelling expenses can really burn a hole in your pockets and working from home does away with this expense.

7. Enjoy Improved Health

People who work from home have more time to prepare the right kinds of foods and therefore end up eating healthier than people who work in 9-5 jobs. People in traditional jobs are notorious for eating fast foods and junk food and this habit repeated over many years eventually takes it toll in the form of poor health.


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