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10 Common Small Business Website Mistakes to Avoid

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Having a website is crucial in today’s digital age. It’s where potential customers can learn about your products or services and decide whether or not to do business with you. However, simply having a website isn’t enough; it needs to be well-designed, user-friendly, and free of common mistakes that could turn visitors away.

Here are some common small business website mistakes to avoid:

Not Having a Clear Value Proposition:
Your website should make it clear what you offer and why people should choose your product/service over others.

Not Using White Space Effectively:
White space is essential for easy reading on-screen. Don’t overcrowd the page with too much content or images.

Using Poor Quality Content:
Content is king – so make sure yours stands out! This means using proper grammar & spelling while also being informative and engaging.

Neglecting Mobile Users:
Smartphone usage has skyrocketed in recent years – make sure your site caters for mobile users!

Ignoring Social Media Integration:
Incorporating social media into your website design (eg links + icons) adds another channel for customer engagement

Lack of Contact Information:
Make sure contact information is readily available so potential clients can easily reach out if they have any questions.

Slow Page Speeds:
Nobody likes waiting around for web pages to load – aim for fast speeds by compressing large files/images.

Bad Navigation Bar Design:
Keep navigation bars simple & organized so users can find what they’re looking for quickly.

Forgetting About Analytics Tracking :
Analytics tools like Google Analytics allow businesses to track visitor statistics & obtain feedback on improvements needed

Broken Links :
Dead-end links show lack of attention-to-detail which could discourage return visits

By avoiding these errors when building/designing/maintaining their websites, small businesses will increase their odds of success online.

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